
再整理下data analysis的roadmap。这里的细节,就算被无视或轻视,也要保持初心,一点一点地认真走整个完整的流程。就像造一个房子,从地基开始,马虎不得。从第一秒开始做项目备忘录文档。沟通时不要心急,Be professional, keep calm and enthusiastic.

Ask 3+8–memo1),word
· Identify the problem
· Determine key stakeholders
· Explore the data and establish metrics
1、What topic are you exploring?探索的主题是什么?
2、What is the problem you are trying to solve?试着解决什么问题?
3、What metrics will you use to measure your data to achieve your objective? 为了达到目标,将用什么指标去衡量数据?
4、Who are the stakeholders?利益相关者都有谁?
5、Who is your audience for this analysis and how does this affect your analysis process and presentation?谁是分析的听众?这将如何影响分析过程和报告?
6、How will this data help your stakeholders make decisions?这个数据将怎样帮助利益相关者做决定。

Prepare 4+7–memo2),word、excel、mysql
· Collect data and store it appropriately
· Identify how it’s organized
· Sort and filter the data
· Determine the credibility of the data
1、Where is your data located?数据位于哪里?
2、How is the data organized?数据是如何组织的?
3、Are there issues with bias or credibility in this data? Does your data ROCCC? 这些数据是否存在偏见或可信度问题?数据ROCCC吗?
4、How are you addressing licensing, privacy, security, and accessibility?如何解决许可、隐私、安全和可访问性问题的?
5、How did you verify the data’s integrity?如何验证数据的完整性?
6、How does it help you answer your question?它如何帮助你回答问题?
7、Are there any problems with the data?数据有什么问题吗?

Process 4+5–memo3),excel、MySQL、R studio
· Check the data for errors
· Transform the data into the right type对的数据类型
· Document the cleaning process
· Choose your tools
1、What tools are you choosing and why?选了什么工具?为什么?
2、Have you ensured your data’s integrity?确定了数据完整性么?
3、What steps have you taken to ensure that your data is clean?为确保数据干净的步骤是什么?
4、How can you verify that your data is clean and ready to analyze?如何验证数据干净且已准备好分析?
5、Have you documented your cleaning process so you can review and share those results?是否对清洁过程存档,以便回顾和分享那些结果?

Analyze  4+5–memo4),excel、MySQL、R studio
· Aggregate your data so it’s useful and accessible
· Organize and format your data
· Perform calculations
· Identify trends and relationships
1、How should you organize your data to perform analysis on it?如何组织数据以对其进行分析?
2、Has your data been properly formatted?数据是否正确格式化?
3、What surprises did you discover in the data?在数据中发现了什么惊喜?
4、What trends or relationships have you found in the data?在数据中发现了什么趋势或关系?
5、How do these insights answer your question or solve the problem?这些见解如何回答问题或解决问题?

Share 4+5–memo5),excel、R、tableau/Power BI、PPT、xmind
· Determine the best way to share your findings
· Create effective data visualizations
· Present your findings
· Ensure your work is accessible to your audience
1、What story does your data tell?数据自己讲了个什么故事?
2、How do your findings relate to your original question?你的发现和你最初的问题有什么联系?
3、Who is your audience? What is the best way to communicate with them?听众是谁?与他们沟通的最佳方式是什么?
4、Can data visualization help you share your findings?数据可视化能帮助分享你的发现吗?
5、Is your presentation accessible to your audience?你的报告能让观众理解吗?

Act 3+5–memo6),word、excel、xmind
问题、数据和项目的三维reflection和next action。
· Share next steps with your stakeholders
· Determine if more data could give you new insights
· Roadmap 的PDCA review
1、What is your final conclusion based on your analysis?根据分析,最终结论是什么?
2、How can you apply your insights?如何运用你的洞察?
3、Are there any next steps you or your stakeholders can take based on your findings?根据发现,你或你的利益相关者可以采取怎样的下一步措施吗?
4、Is there additional data you could use to expand on your findings?是否可以使用其他数据来扩展发现?
5、How can you feature this case in your portfolio?